Does this subject cause you feelings of passion, confusion, or even frustration?
Whether you find yourself trying to comply with your company’s investment in improving and innovating through DEI, you are trying to leverage and navigate DEI in your own organization, or you just want help facilitating meaningful productive conversations with your teams, ServiceElements can help.
Become aware of cognitive biases and communication barriers which can impact both safety and service. Step out of your own views and perspective to learn how the experiences of others may be vastly different from your own.
Just some of the many advantages of DEI in the business and general aviation industry:
- Expanded potential workforce, broadening our reach to a more diverse population
- Increased safety and service through awareness of biases and barriers
- All teammates feel valued
- Increased employee engagement
- Innovation through new viewpoints and perspectives
Anticipated Outcome
With the shrinking workforce in business and general aviation, and the need for aviation professionals in numerous roles, DEI is not just the right thing to do but is necessary for our industry to continue to thrive.
It may seem difficult to define specific goals, meaningful measurements, internal support mechanisms and most importantly, a space to talk openly and safely. In business aviation we depend upon specific procedures, measurable outcomes and attainable improvements.
With this program, gain clarity on DEI, organizationally appropriate goals, and where to begin.